Mar-25 Congratulations to the new graduates:
Sougen TAKAKUWA (髙桑 奏弦), MS!
Yukiya ATSUKAWA (厚川 由輝也), BS!
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Mar-24 Congratulations to the new graduate:
Sougen TAKAKUWA (髙桑 奏弦), BS!
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Mar-24 Congratulations to the new graduates:
Jie CHU ( 褚 傑 ), MS!
[Vacancy Induced Formation of Hydroxylated TiO2 Nanosheet Surface: A Theoretical Study]
Takuro OKADA (岡田 拓朗), BS!
Jan-31 Congratulations to the new graduate:
Jessiel Siaron GUERIBA, PhD!
(Osaka University-De La Salle University PhD Double-Degree Program)
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May-1 Welcome back Prof. Emeritus Hideaki KASAI (笠井 秀明 名誉教授)!
Mar-25 Congratulations to the new graduate:
Kazusa KAWASHIMA (川島 一祥), BS!
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Congratulations to the new graduate - Bhume CHANTARAMOLEE, PhD!
Congratulations to the new graduates:
Yusuke FUJIKI (藤木 勇亮), MS!
[Theoretical Research on Electron-Assisted Cold Fusion]
Kosuke YAMAMOTO (山本 浩右), MS!
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Sep-25 Congratulations to the new graduate -
Siti Zulaehah, MS!
[Methyl Chloride (CH3Cl)Adsorption on Cu(410) Stepped Surface]
Mar-27 Congratulations to the new graduate - Ryo KISHIDA (岸田 良), PhD!
Congratulations to the new graduates:
Yukako SEKIGUCHI (関口 友佳子), BS!
[不対電子系における ESR 測定のシミュレーション]
Ayaka SHIGEMATSU (重松 綾香), BS!
Yusuke Ota (太田 悠介), MS!
[Theoretical study of NO adsorption on Pt(0.25ML)/Fe3O4(111)]
Yuya HIKITA (疋田 裕也), MS!
[Theoretical study on the optical properties of porous silicon]
Masayuki NISHISAKA (西坂 真之), MS!
[Influence of Fe-based surface (Fe, FeO, Fe2O3) on decomposition of oxalic acid (C2H2O4) in a reaction with hydroxyl radical (OH*)]
Jan-1 Elvis Flaviano Arguelles joins the National Institute of Technology, Akashi
College (NITAC), Akashi, Japan.
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Congratulations to the new graduate - Elvis Flaviano Arguelles, PhD!
Prof. Emeritus Dr. Hideaki Kasai received the honorary degree of Doctor
of Science (Honoris Causa) from De La Salle University.
Elvis bags the Poster Presentation Prize at the 1st Meeting of the Japan Society of Applied
Physics (JSAP) Kansai Chapter.
Congratulations to the new graduates:
Yusuke FUJIKI (藤木勇亮), BS!
Aoi MOCHIZUKI (望月 葵), BS!
Yutai KITAGO (北子 雄大), MS!
[A theoretical study of diffusion mechanism of Na+ in P2 and P3-NaxCoO2 cathode
materials for sodium-ion battery]
[Theoretical study of electromigration of metal atoms on graphene]
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Congratulations to the new graduate - Ganes Shukri, PhD!
Congratulations to the new graduates:
Listra Yehezkiel Ginting, MS!
[Effect of Addition of 3d Transition Metal Dopants on the Optical Response of GanN]
Paulus Himawan LIM, MS!
[Molecular and Dissociative Adsorption of Oxygen on Pt(001), PtAg(001), and PtML/Ag(001) Alloy Surfaces]
Asst. Prof. Susan Meñez ASPERA joins the National Institute of Technology, Akashi
College (NITAC), Akashi, Japan.
Asst. Prof. Hiroshi Nakanishi promoted to the
position of full Professor at the National Institute of Technology, Akashi
College (NITAC), Akashi, Japan.
Congratulations to the new graduate - Koji SHIMIZU (清水 康司), PhD!
Congratulations to the new graduates:
Kentarou ABE (安倍 健太朗), BS!
Masahiro FUJI (藤井 將弘), BS!
Daiki MATSUSHITA (松下 太樹), MS!
Kohta OKUDATE (奥立 耕太), MS!
Wataru KAWASAKI (川嵜 航), MS!
[Theoretical Study on the Negative Ionization of Hydrogen Atoms near Solid Surfaces]
Daiichi KUROKAWA (黒川 乃一), MS!
[Spin-Dependent O2 Binding to Hemoglobin]
Kaori MURAYAMA (村山 香), MS!
[Ortho-para conversion of H2 on α-Fe2O3(0001) surfaces]
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Congratulations to the new graduates - Fadjar Fathurrahman, PhD; Joaquin Lorenzo Valmoria MORENO, PhD; NGUYEN, Hoang Linh, PhD, Musa Alaydrus, PhD!
A new beginning for the Diño Research Group.
Prof. Hideaki Kasai selected/appointed as
President of the National Institute of Technology, Akashi College (NITAC),
Akashi, Japan!
Congratulations to the new graduate - Kohei OKA (岡 耕平), PhD!
Congratulations to the new graduates:
Yusuke OTA (太田悠介), BS!
Yutai KITAGO (北子 雄大), BS!
Shuichi AMINO (網野 修一), MS!
[Theoretical investigation of ethylene adsorption and reactions on stepped surfaces: Cu(410) and Cu(210)]
Hiromi EBISU (戎 弘実), MS!
[Odd-frequency pair in topological superconductivity of 1D magnetic chain]
Ryo TSUCHIYA (土谷 亮), MS!
[Theoretical Analyses of Degradation Pathways in Anion Exchange Membranes]
Ryo KISHIDA (岸田 良), MS!
[Theoretical Study on Atomic Level Processes of Melanogenesis Control]
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Nov-26 Doctoral Double Degree Program between
Graduate School of Engineering OU
and College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research PNU
is signed today.
Nov-19 Elvis wins the prize for the
excellent poster in the Vacuum Society of Japan Annual Meeting at Osaka
Nov-11 Kasai Lab. website new design is launched.
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13-30 Assoc. Prof. Mamoru Sakue visits to five
Indonesian Universities and three Philippines Universities for QEDC
program promotion.
Oct-1 OU
autumn entrance ceremony. Welcome to Paulus-san (M1) and Listra-san
(M1) to Kasai Lab. Event
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Sep-26 Today is the farewel party for Alan-san,
Linh-san, Jessile-san, and Carlo-san in Sawarabi
Cafetaria! Event
Sep-25 Four doctoral students from Kasai Lab. are
graduated to day!
Sep-16 Today is the farewel party for Ganda-san
and Vera-san in our lounge! Event
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Aug-19 Today is the farewel party for Wahyu-san
in our lounge! Event
Aug-18 Delegation from Mahidol University,
Thailand, visits Kasai Lab. and the dean of School of Engineering, Prof.
Tomoyuki Kakeshita for looking the possibility of education and research
collaboration with OU.
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Jul-21 Prof. Hideaki Kasai and Assoc. Prof.
Mamoru Sakue visit DLSU (Manilla, Phillipine) for CAREN program.
Jul-3 Prof. Hideaki Kasai receives Ganesa
Widya Jasa Adiutama Award from ITB, Indonesia.
Jul-1 QEDC master and doctoral defense.
Congratulation for Febdian, Ganda, Allan and Linh
for their doctoral defense, and Elvis for his master defense.
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Jun-2 Workshop on International Research and
Education on Computational Materials Design in Asia.
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May-25 Graduation of B4 students from Kasai Lab.
May-19 Kasai Lab. conducts a Japanese-Croatian
Friendship Party Event
Farewell Party for Dr. Triati, Dr. Ferenza
and Dr. Miwa. Event
Workshop on Japanese-Croatian Cooperative Research as
part of a research collaboration between these countries.
May-15 Assoc. Prof. Mamoru Sakaue visits to
Universitas Soedirman, Puwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia.
May-14 Assoc. Prof. Mamoru Sakaue visits to
the Directorate General of Higher Education, Republik Indonesia.
May-14 Prof. Melanie David (faculty at
Physics Dep. in De La Sale University, The Philippine, and an alumna from
Kasai Lab. ) pay a courtesy visit to the dean of School of Engineering,
Prof. Tomoyuki Kakeshita as part of CAREN project.
May-11 Prof. Hideaki Kasai and Assoc. Prof.
Mamoru Sakaue visit to Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung,
Indonesia. Event
10-12 Kasai Lab. holds the International Workshop on the
Micro Nano-Technology and Materials for Environment and Power Energy
Applications (ALCA) Event
May-3 Prof. Komori gives lecture at Kasai
Lab. Event
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Apr-22 Dr. Wahyu Tri Cahyanto (faculty at
Physics Dep. in Jendral Soedirman University, Indonesia, and an alumnus
from Kasai Lab) pay a courtesy visit to the dean of School of Engineering,
Prof. Tomoyuki Kakeshita. Event
Apr-9 QEDC stand presents in High Education Expo in
Osaka University. Event
Apr-4 Prof. Gladys Nivera (Phillipine
Normal University, The Philippines) talks in "E2 2014
Education x Engineering Workshop 2014" seminar.
Apr-2 Kasai Lab. celebrates the hanami (お花見パーティー).
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Feb-29 Kasai Lab. holds a seminar on "Quantum
Many-body Theory in Condensed Matter". Event
Feb-21 Prof. Fukutani (University of Tokyo)
gives lecture at Kasai Lab. Event
Feb-19 B4 students defense their thesis.
11-15 De La Salle University, The Philippine, conducts
Asia CMD workshop in Manila. Event
Feb-10 ALCA team of Kasai Lab. conducts an
international exchange students workshop. Event
2-3 Annual QEDC workshop is now! Event
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Jan-30 Doctoral dissertation public hearing of Kuniyuki
Miwa. Event
Jan-14 Kasai Lab. hosts the JWRI-De La Salle
Workshop 2014. Event
Jan-1 Joining and Welding Research Institute (JWRI)
of Osaka University and De La Salle University (The Philippine) satelite
office is signed. Event
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Dec-26 Today is farewell party for the year of
2013! Event
Kasai Lab. holds the Osaka University - ASEAN
Scientific Workshop. Event
Dec-1 Miwa's paper in JPSJ (Vol. 82) gets
award as "Editor's Choice". Event
Back to
Nov-29 Farewell Party for Dr. Quang.
Nov-11 Kasai Lab. holds a Japan-Croatia Research
Collaborative Workshop with Dr. Predrag Lazic (Rudjer Boskovic
Institute, Croatia) as the distinguished speaker. Event
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Oct-31 Dr. Predrag Lazic (Rudjer Boskovic
Institute, Croatia) gives a lecture at Kasai Lab. Event
Oct-25 Today is QEDC Workshop and 2nd QEDRI
professor's meeting! Event
Oct-09 Graduation ceremony at Graduate School of
Engineering. Event
Oct-05 Prof. Hideaki Kasai hosts a meeting
between Prof. Ahmadloka, the Rector of Institut Teknologi Bandung
(ITB), Indonesia, and alumni of ITB in Osaka prefecture accompanied by
Prof. Yatna and Prof. Hermawan K.D. Event
Oct-04 Kasai Lab. holds a workshop with
distinguished speakers Prof. Yatna (Dean of Mechanical Engineering
and Aerospace Fac., ITB) and Prof. Hermawan K.D. (Dean of
Industrial Technology Fac., ITB). Event
Oct-02 Article about Prof. Hideaki Kasai's
research on oxygen ionic conduction of SOFC in Nikan
Kogyo, 2013-10-02 page 2 and Nikkei
Sangyo, 2013-10-02 page 7. Event
Oct-01 Kasai Lab. hosts five international exchange
students in QEDC short-term program. Welcome Wahyu [IND], Nisa
[IND], Jessiel [PHL], Carlo [PHL] and Are [VNM].
Back to
Sep-25 Congratulation for Bhume, Ganes
and Musa as new Master in Engineering, and for Susan and Quang
as new Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering. Event
Sep-4 Kasai Lab. holds a workshop with
distinguished speaker Prof. Carl Redshaw (University of Hull,
England). Event
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Aug-26 Dr. Emi Minamitami (RIKEN, an alumna
of Kasai Lab.) visits Kasai Lab. Event
Aug-22 Kasai Lab. hosts "International Academic
Workshop on Dynamics of Molecules on Surfaces". Event
Aug-13 Engineering students visit Kasai Lab. as
part of Open Campus Day. Event
Aug-2 Prof. Hideaki Kasai receives ????
(General Award) from the President of Osaka University.
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4-5 QEDC Master and doctoral students defense their
thesis. Ganbate for Bhume, Ganes and Musa (Master
program), and Susan and Quang (Doctoral program)!
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Jun-21 Dr. Nicolae Atodiresei
(Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany) give a lecture at Kasai Lab.
Jun-21 Prof. Elod Gyenge (The University of
British Columbia, Canada) give a lecture at Kasai Lab.
Jun-6 Assoc. Prof. Azizan Ahmad (Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia) and his three students visit Kasai Lab.
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Jun-6 Dr. Nobuki Ozawa (Assis. Prof. in
Tohoku University and an alumnus of Kasai Lab.) give a lecture in a
seminar for graduate student at Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka
University. Event
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May-16 Kasai Lab. holds a seminar with
distinguished speaker Prof. Notker Roesch (Technical University
Munich, Germany). Event
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Apr-3 Kasai Lab. celebrates the hanami party. Event
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Mar-15 Kasai Lab. organizes "International Workshop
on Theory of Dense Kondo Systems - 30 years after the Yoshimori-Kasai
Model and Beyond" in Osaka University Nakanoshima Center, Osaka City,
Japan. Event
Mar-14 Prof. Hideaki Kasai is said as "the
person on the edge" by
Nikkei Sangyo, 2013-03-14 page 11. Event
Mar-4 National newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun covers
Kasai Lab. research on fuel cell, in "science section", page 17.
Back to
Dec-12 Yuji and Triati defense
their doctoral dissertation. Event
Dec-12 Prof. Hermawan K.D. and Assoc. Prof.
Nugraha (Eng. Phy.) and Assoc. Prof. Suprjadi (Phy.) from
Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia) visit Kasai Lab. and give lectures
in Kasai Lab. seminar on "OU-ITB Scientific Meeting on Advanced Functional
Material: Design and Fabrication." Event
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Nov-12 Prof. Nagashima (Tokyo University of
Science) give a lecture at Kasai Lab. Event
Nov-8 Kasai Lab. holds an international seminar on
"the Current Surface Science Trend" with Dr. Predrag Lazic (
Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Croatia) as the distinguished speaker.
Back to
Oct-29 De La Salle University (The Philippine)
delegation, Assoc. Prof. Melanie Y. David and Prof. Nelson B.
Arboleda (both are Kasai Lab. almuni) and Assoc. Prof. Alvin B.
Culaba, visit Kasai Lab. and deliver talks. Event
Today is the "Welcome ceremony" at the Graduate
School of Engineering. Welcome new members, Elvis [PHL] and Suci
[BGD]. Event
Oct-25 We receive a good news: Nelson B.
Arboleda Jr., a Kasai Lab. alumnus (graduated March, 2007), has been
promoted to full professor in De La Salle University, The Philippines.
Oct-10 President of De La Salle University (The
Philippines), Ricardo P. Laguda, and the Vice-president, Arnulfo
P. Azcarraga pay a courtesy visit to Kasai Lab.
Oct-5 The 5th Computational Material Design is held
in De La Salle University, Manilla, The Philippine. Event
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Sep-25 Graduation day for Clare and Hoa.
Congratulation! Event
Sep-1 Book "Computer Materials Design Advanced
Research Case II: automobile exhaust gas catalyst of precious metal
alternative", by Prof. Hideaki Kasai and Hirofumi Kishi,
is available in market now! Event
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Jul-2 Kasai Lab. holds an international workshop on
"The Structural, Electronic and Dynamical Properties of Surfaces and
Nanostructures". Event
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Jun-15 Prof. Hideaki Kasai is an honor
guess in the 100th anniversary celebration of the De La Salle University,
The Philippine. Event
Jun-6 Clare and Hoa defense their
doctoral dissertation, followed by the 1st QEDRI meeting.
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May-15 We celebrate the award and the 60th birthday
of Prof. Hideaki Kasai. The number 60 is special in Japanese
numerology. Event
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Apr-24 Kasai Lab. research on "the development of
rhodium-free exhaust gas purifying catalyst" win the first price in
"technology trend survey" by national newspaper, Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
Apr-9 Prof. Hideaki Kasai receives an award
from MEXT (the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and
Technology of Japan). Event
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Feb-8 Kasai Lab. hosts for a master student from
British Columbia University (Canada), Andrew Wang, as a QEDC
special short-term program. Event
新聞,読売新聞,朝日新聞に記事が掲載されました. また,本研究成果に関して2012年2月15-17日に開催された「nano tech 2012
Feb-3 Osaka University satellite office in The
Philippines is officially open.
Back to
Jan-28 CMD Workshop in Bangkok, we provide the
guidance here.
Jan-4 Kasai Lab. hosts four exchange students in
QEDC special short-term program. They will stay approximately two months
in Osaka University. Event
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