What is going on

Year 2018

Sep-25 Congratulations to the new graduate -
Siti Zulaehah, MS!
[Methyl Chloride (CH3Cl)Adsorption on Cu(410) Stepped Surface]

Mar-27 Congratulations to the new graduate - Ryo KISHIDA (岸田 良), PhD!

Mar-27 Congratulations to the new graduates:
Yukako SEKIGUCHI (関口 友佳子), BS!
[不対電子系における ESR 測定のシミュレーション]
Ayaka SHIGEMATSU (重松 綾香), BS!
Yusuke Ota (太田 悠介), MS!
[Theoretical study of NO adsorption on Pt(0.25ML)/Fe3O4(111)]
Yuya HIKITA (疋田 裕也), MS!
[Theoretical study on the optical properties of porous silicon]
Masayuki NISHISAKA (西坂 真之), MS!
[Influence of Fe-based surface (Fe, FeO, Fe2O3) on decomposition of oxalic acid (C2H2O4) in a reaction with hydroxyl radical (OH*)]

Jan-1 Elvis Flaviano Arguelles joins the National Institute of Technology, Akashi College (NITAC), Akashi, Japan.

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