The Diño Research Group (DRG, est. 2015) is a theoretical condensed matter physics/nano materials science research group at the Department of Applied Physics, Osaka University.

We train young researchers from Japan and other countries to investigate phenomena occurring in materials at the nano and atomic scale. We aim to elucidate physical properties that include elementary processes in excitations and reactions at surfaces and interfaces, ultra-fast quantum processes, electron excitations in atomic-scale processes, dynamics of complex systems, quantum first-principles based design of nano-material devices and catalysts, reactions in bulk systems and nanospintronics.

The results find a wide range of applications, e.g., fuel cells, spintronics/moltronics/quantronic, bio-sensors, solar cells, in medical sciences (viz., photodynamic therapy, skin pigmentation).

We strongly believe that a complete understanding of physical phenomena occurring in materials play a significant role in unraveling the challenging mysteries of this physical universe.

Group photo 2015

In the picture, from left to right, are
front row: Shimizu, Duy, Jeyun, Paulus, Ben, Joaquin, Fadjar, Linh, Assistant professor Nakanishi, Abe, Fuji, Matsushita.
2nd row: Kawasaki, Kishida, Mark, Leong, Camacho, Bhume, Robby, Kurokawa, Murayama, Ganes.
3rd row: Wiriya, Nam, Huong, Dr. Susan, Ito, Listra, Sakai, Suwa.


(in English) (in Japanese)
Diño Research Group
Department of Applied Physics
Graduate School of Engineering
Osaka University
2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita,
Osaka 565-0871
Diño 研究グループ

Tel: +81-6-6879-7857
Fax: +81-6-6879-7859

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